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Gymnázium, Praha 4,

Rozvrh Suplování Bakaláři Jídelna

My experience learning with Erasmus +

Since the end of April and during the first week of May I had the chance to participate in the Erasmus+ workshop called Learn to teach any subject with Drama in Trapani, Italy.

Those were wonderful days of learning and fun in an unbeatable place with a generous and beautiful group of teachers arrived from different countries: Bulgaria, France, Italy, Spain, Germany and, for sure, Czech Republic.


We improvised, we engaged our bodies, we asked ourselves three important questions: WHAT do I do?, WHY I do it? And HOW can I adapt it to my lessons? Also we shared experiences of active learning and, for sure, we filled our suitcases with lots of ideas and the desire to return to the classroom to keep working more and better.

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